Actually: It’s both “Mirror, mirror, on the wall…” AND “Magic mirror, on the wall..”
In the 1937 Disney classic, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs the Evil Queen utters the famous line “Magic mirror, on the wall – who is the fairest one of all?”.
It has not been changed or edited since its original release. There is no credible evidence to support that it has. The mirror’s persona in the Disney adaption is named, “Slave in the Magic Mirror”, hence why the Evil Queen refers to it as the “magic mirror”.
That being said, like many Mandela Effects, this common misconception and misquoted line has perpetuated itself deep within our culture. There’s even a movie 2012 entitled “Mirror Mirror” staring Julia Roberts. How can this be? Well, before we dive into the possible explanations, you can save yourself the trouble and understand that in the original Brothers Grimm story (translated into English), it is indeed:
Mirror, mirror, on the wall,
Who in this land is fairest of all?
Hundreds of sources of “Mirror, mirror” exist in our culture today because of the original story/translation. Disney simply made their own version of it. They took creative liberty on a lot of things in the movie, least of which involves the dialog. The original story is very short and Disney heavily expanded on everything. The “Magic Mirror” itself is also referred to as “Slave in the Magic Mirror” or “Spirit of the Magic Mirror” in their version of the lore/story.
My Experience
I, like many others also believed “mirror, mirror” to be correct. It’s the version of the phrase that I always said when referencing it. This Mandela Effect is unique in a way because in this case, it’s actually correct or incorrect, depending on the context. Both “magic mirror” and “mirror, mirror” are correct depending on the source.
My first introduction to this being related to the Mandela Effect was through the Subreddit in this post titled “Mirror, mirror on the wall …“.
Possible Explanations
As mentioned above, this one is pretty shut and close; unfortunately that doesn’t stop people from continuing to insist that the Disney movie was also “mirror, mirror”. It’s just not the case. It’s verifiable, it’s proven, it’s FACT. Memory is none of those three things.
So, in closing, the most logical explanation is the following:
The original story contains “mirror, mirror”, which hundreds of other sources draw from, where as, the Disney movie uses their own spin on it with “magic mirror”. Even if your only notable exposure to this line is the Disney film, the overwhelming amount of other examples, sources and pervasiveness within our culture all point to “mirror, mirror”.
It leads me to believe that this Mandela Effect is simply a combination of several different factors including (but not limited to): misinformation effect, confirmation bias, misattribution of memory and simply, misconception. It could almost match every general common explanation for Mandela Effects.
The age and sound quality of the Disney film is also questionable; if you were told it was “mirror, mirror” before watching the Queen’s mirror scene, you could almost hear it as “mirror, mirror” instead of “magic mirror”. It’s quite hard to make out, even on the best quality versions of the movie.
Additional References
Many have been quick to cite several other Disney-branded effects with “Mirror, mirror, on the wall” mentioned. There have also been some spotted with the Disney known, “Magic mirror”. Not limited to, but including the following:

Unfortunately these objects muddy the waters even further, but leads to some possible correlations to Disney staff throughout the years since the original film. Why is it significant that the 1948 book (citing the original 1937 date) has the film’s version of the text in it? Because it’s possible some of the original writing staff helped to produce some of the early merchandise for the movie. They would know the source the best.
Note how the 1973 book shows the text like:
Mirror, mirror, on the wall,
Who is the fairest of us all?
This is exactly how it was formatted in the original Brothers Grimm story (although text is slightly different from that source). It’s possible they used the original as a source, rather than the movie. This is possible, because, in the movie, it is also:
Magic mirror, on the wall,
Who is the fairest one of all?
They got both lines wrong!
Unfortunately again, this is all speculation as no information has been ever released been on why Disney made the original text change, or who worked on any of these products shown.
Basically, it’s proof of nothing except for different people, either making mistakes, or intentional changes. Nothing can be assumed.
in the case of advertisment logos change now i have always said; cocacola has and should remain the same-i used to say that about the k-mart logo even before the change-but they had to become more modern-there is something about the classical renditions that have a comfortable feeling.
Debunk this, I clearly remember Trump saying he was getting rid of Obamacare…but in this alternate universe he’s not.
in the case of advertisment logos change now i have always said; cocacola has and should remain the same-i used to say that about the k-mart logo even before the change-but they had to become more modern-there is something about the classical renditions that have a comfortable feeling—this effect is attention grabbing-but the research is not adequate enough to be convincing.
Oki, i am pretty freaked out about one specific topic and that is ”interview with A vampire”, in France it has been translated ”entretien avec UN vampire” , in Romania ”interviu cu UN vampir”, i lived in both countries and always, beeing a fan of the movie, i have paid attention to the subject matter .So i have always knew as a solid fact that the movie was called” Interview with A vampire ” i was able to bet my b…s on it… Now i don’t know anymore….
Me too zedart.. the Interview with A Vampire, it seems hard to discredit my memory on this one.
Same! I remember reading an ebook preview of the book “interview with A vampire”, I thought the first pages sounded so narcissistic and didn’t buy the full version. Had the file with this title on my desktop for months and kept seeing it. my best friend was a huge fan and that’s also how she said it.
See this post with pictures from a Disney book that says “Mirror, mirror” – from Disney themselves. Could you explain this ?
Updated the article with that reference and another to contradict it. Thanks!
OK so how you explain this glass from circa 1993?
Updated the article with that reference and another to contradict it. Thanks!
Did you even read the article? Because it’s the original line from the original fairy tail by the brothers Grimm. It’s even the same line in the German original language. Jeez.
wrap your brain around this, in an alternate timeline it didn’t say magic mirror or change in 1937, it was always mirror mirror, and wrap your brain around this: the same VHS tapes we’ve owned for decades said mirror mirror now say magic mirror. if history was changed then the 1937 change will also be in this timelilne whereas it may not have been before. you haven’t debunked anything here. moving along.
Wrap your brain around this: you are stuck for life being a moron.
Wrap your lips around this……that’s it.
Hahahaha that was cute af!
Something that I can’t find an explanation for however is the translation in the Italian version: I’m Italian and in the movie the queen clearly says “Specchio, specchio delle mie brame” (“Mirror, mirror on the wall”). It could have been “Magico specchio delle mie brame” (“Magic mirror on the wall”) without any issue in the translation.
Have you watched many movies translated? No movie is ever translated from one language to another “word for word”. Literal translations are impossible. Whoever wrote the Italian translation had probably read the original Grimm’s tale and “fixed” the Disney version.
I’m sorry but you’re totally disrespectful towards not only a team of professionals but a hole country ( I’m sure that most italians speak english fluently or at least understand it). Nobody would make and sell a video tape that is wrongfully translated. Just for a fact, the same thing happens in romanian and hungarian translations, so it’s not just that italian translator that “fixed” this phrase. Another thing is that you just assume we all read the book AND watched the movie, but in reality, a lot of people ONLY saw the movie (like me, for example) . so where did the “mirror,mirror” came from? As a side note there is another movie called Mirror,mirror released in 2012 that has the same phrase we all remember in it . If the disney version (that actually made the phrase so popular) was “magic mirror” why didn’t they name the movie “magic mirror” also? you would think it would be a great advertisement for the now adults that heard “magic mirror” as a child ?
Yes,in serbian also,not a single person remembers “magic mirror”(in serbian),we all remember “mirror mirror”
Same in greek, it’s mirror mirror.
In Brazil it has always been “espelho, espelho meu”. When I was a child, I used to watch Snow White every single day, cause it was my favorite movie. My father and I used to repeat almost all the phrases of the film, so we knew exactly what they said, we said the lines together, at the same time the character was saying. So, apparently, I had no doubt it was “Espelho, espelho” (which means “mirror, mirror”) and I went to check on YouTube the Portuguese version just to be sure. So I was chocked to find out it was “Mágico espelho” (magic mirror). And if you check your country language version now, it is not “mirror mirror” anymore. I’m serious, I’ve seen it in Spanish, in French, in Italian, in German, on YouTube, and it has changed. Several people – from all over the world – commented that they country version wasn’t like that. And I believe them. You know, I’m very skeptical, and I prefer to believe in a logical explanation, like my memory playing tricks on me. I personally find ME something almost impossible, at least very improbable. But I can’t deny the fact that I remember 100% it was “espelho, espelho”.
What about the Star Wars thing? What about the Berenstein Bears? I think we’ve got ourselves some shmuck fucking with tine
I hear you milk. Although I don’t know those movie changes
Can you enlighten me. Yes there
Is a deliberate changing of history.
It was for “fact” Mirror Mirror on the wall who is the fairest one of all, for fact based on my great memory ive always had. your “fact” has been changed. I watched the movie and didnt read the book so i did not confuse anything. It was also sex IN the city i didnt watch the show but when it was airing it had the logo on the bottom right saying sex in the city and my photographic memory of TVGuide had it as Sex IN the city. your “facts” are changed bro, i trust a great memory over that anyday. For fact Interview With A Vampire one of my favorite movies, it is not Interview with THE Vampire. put your “facts” away OP. you havent debunked one thing here.
Who can argue with logic like that? Hold on, I’ll shut the site down. Besides the numerous logical fallacies committed here, you are suffering from a huge case of cognitive dissonance.
My magic memory recalls when the word “looz” was spelled lose, not loose, as it commonly is spelled almost everywhere today. Are all those people writing “loose” really wrong – are they “loosers”? No, they are losers. Loose as a goose, people. Get it right, or 30 years from now we will be having this discussion again.
This bothers me so bad, you have no idea. Weird thing is too, you don’t see many people correcting it. So, thanks.
So many people suffering from a “huge cognitive dissonance”. Maybe is a pandemic, right? So many people who got wrong quotes from the movies their entire lives! Fortunately there are still people like you who has a sound mind. Such a good researcher as well. Your arguments simply explain everything related to that issue! Thanks!
Oh no, you just discovered that…
… people make mistakes and have bad memory! Let’s make fun of the OP for our own ignorance of cultural influence!
but this fedora will never be able to disprove dollys braces, or looney TOONs.
Silly Symphonies (Disney)
Happy Harmonies (MGM)
Merrie Melodies (Warner Bros)
See a pattern here? If so, only “Looney Tunes” will make any sense at all to you.
Vaughn, I am so happy I stumbled across this website. I was honestly on the verge of slamming my head on the table – I just couldn’t deal with the abject stupidity, and complete lack of logical coherence, of the people who actually believe in this Mandela Effect rubbish. Thanks for making this website!
Shrek has infected the youth!
Bro i just commented that. Like i was sitting there and i remembered that scene lolllll people are mad dumb
Vaughn how old are you????? Bcz I AM SORRY BUT YOU ARE FULL OF BULLSHIT!!!!! YOU ARE SO WRONG MY DEAR!!!!!
I grew up in Brazil and my sister, my cousins, my mom, my aunties, my friends, my neighbors and EVERYONE I grew up with KNOW FOR A FACT that the original 1937 witch classic movie quote was “MIRROR MIRROR ON THE WALL = ESPELHO ESPELHO MEU” and now for the SHOCK of all of us it has been indeed changed to “MAGIC MIRROR ON THE WALL = ESPELHO MAGICO”……. PLEASE SAVE YOUR BS…… THIS IS AS REAL AS IT GETS MY FRIEND !!!!!!!! WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Exactly! Também sou do Brasil. Levei o maior choque quando vi o vídeo no YouTube e ouvi “Mágico espelho”. Sério, foi como se tudo o que eu conhecesse no mundo de repente mudasse. Foi como acordar da Matriz kkkkk. Meu Deus, não sei como isso é possível…
OK… what about this famous movie quote:
“Luke, I am your father.”
I watched the first 3 movies at least 20 times, and that is how I remember it, but that’s no longer the case, he now says: “No, I am your father”.
The problem here is many of us remember Mirror, Mirror on the Wall as children having never read the book. Many of the Mandela Effect things I hear people say, I can’t recall really or remember, so it’s easy to dismiss them as being bad memories. But certain ones, like this one, it’s something any kid older than a certain age would remember, and they all seem to remember Mirror, Mirror.
Can’t wait till you debunk Pikachu’s tail (I am certain the tail tip was brown/black)
Mbrow072 at yahoo hit me up real quick
This doesn’t debunk nothing a minor shift may not be a complete or big shift BUT we or ALOT of us remember watching the original VHS Snow White with the quote MIRROR MIRROR, but now its MAGIC MIRROR
And we all remember it because alot of us as kids didn’t read the book but watched the film
The film never quoted MAGIC MIRROR
Nice try on trying to debunk something that you can’t debunk
Its minor its real its happening
And in alot of others places as well people have noticed
It’s debunked, get over it.
I don’t even know why people are making a big deal out of this one, because I actually DO remember it as “magic mirror” and I know I can’t be the only one (still have the original VHS).
Just because you all have a shitty memory, doesn’t mean you get to make up stuff. Can we grow up now and just focus on things that are actually important? Thanks.
I am so glad to say that I have always lived in this universe where it has always been the way it is now.
I love this and so wanted to share it on facebook for lots of folks too see
You know, this whole Mandela effect story seems something manoeuvered by those in power: they edit books, videos and try to convince people that it is a change in timeline. Real changes of past events I am sure exist, but changes in anything online are higly suspicious: they have an agenda to modify the bible and any text that does not fit into their new theories they want us to believe. The fact that Google itself, which is owned by the secret powers, shows the trend of Mandela effect, is higly indicative to me that they are pushing this story for their own agenda. About the records of Mandela’s death everything is back on line now. I say back on line because Google can simply have obscured them for a while, the time you were told that you were on another timeline. Only changes
You are absolutely correct. This is an important issue. It is designed to confuse and your memory or perception. I remember watching Sesame Street when my boys were young. They had Count Dracula. I was corrected and said it was the count. I said no it was
Count Dracula. So the person showed me it was the count. Even then I said they changed it.
Only changes in old paperback copies and DVD can be trustable as proof. And unfortunately the big powers have big money to pay people to comment that they have seen these changes. The prize is big, it is the control of the whole humanity. Once you manage to convince people for example that the bible always said that homosexuality is natural you can tear down the last resistance to accept it and be all gays and lesbianhen with it comes control through reknown as masonic and implied in subliminal mass consciousness in the children
This is the most insane comment I’ve read all day. So… congratulations? I guess?
Sorry the final part of last comment is messed up as I am writing from a mobile. I will stop now.
I cant believe how much misrembering is happening with people that do the stock at the store’s,cause when I say I’m looking for a product by describing without saying the name they always say the old way.Like this my grammy wanted me to get her adult diapers but I cant remember the name,Oh yeah depends or hey whats the name of those noodles in a cup,oh you mean cup o noodle or whats that soda coca cola makes named zero oh you mean coke zero,I cant even trick them into saying coca cola zero.If its misspeling/rememembering and you can find it just because you’re looking then why can’t I find money just because I’m looking.Look how people attack each other for misspelling something yet skeptics dont even analyze the pattern of over and over its been spelled correctly and incorrectly in the same article so why doesnt it happen with things we dont believe have changed.I’m surprised the government remembered to steal or all the houses aren’t lopsided from people misremembering how to measure correctly with our tiny little dumb fallible brains.Amazing how people that have never heard about this answer all the questions the old way then can immediately be lead to believe their brain is tricking them.Just shows humans are weak and easily dismiss themselves as credible.I on the other hand don’t care how weak minded people are because excercise critical thinking and won’t be swayed by public opinion,especially when its been proven they soon wont be able to not misremember where to wipe after they poop.
Just totally debunked Mandela effect and youre retarded asses. Its always been magic mirror. “Mirror mirror on the wall” thats from Shrek with the little king fag! mind=blown lollllll
If something is unobservable, because the very nature of observation causes the reaction to cease to react (Double-Slit Experiment in Quantum Physics), then how can the scientific method of observation be rationally applied to the subject?
It was possible during the Double-Slit Experiment and quantum computer may indeed both be causing and one-day prove this phenomenon (assuming legal reasons don’t stop it from being revealed) to have occurred and will likely prove we are capable of making alterations at the subatomic level that reinforce a continuum of changes retroactively.
I have many proofs of “Mirror Mirror on the wall” for Snow White, “Looney Toons” original instead of the actual hacked “Looney Tunes”, “Froot Loops” original instead of the actual hacked “Fruit Loops”, “Febreeze” original instead of the actual “Febreze”, and the list goes on!
Exactly. I remember froot loops. Another annoying thing is mobile phone typing. Sometimes it changes the words. When you send you miss what words have been altered. Not only that the spell check may be for American English which is different to British Austrlalian
It should actually be called the Cern effect they tore a hole between the veil the effects are just beginning some people will stay blind while others will wake up many will be deceived I know for a personal fact something has happened it’s become our new reality eyes wide open or blind your choice I condemn neither I just accept this is the new reality people who are calling other people crazy are just scared so I’m not hard on them I feel sorry for the blind in truth I’m watching and waiting to see what’s next and hoping for a better future for my children and the grandchildren I have like my wife asks me why are you worried about what’s changed you can’t do anything about it and she’s right I’m kinda having fun checking out all the changes in the world it’s like being a kid all over again learning new things am I scared no amazed yes so all of you who see all these changes don’t freak out have fun and play with it at least your not blind like the others love will always rule even in the worst and chaotic of times remember that all these other things that are happening are meaningless as long as you remember to love
this person shows you how it is
How on earth does it matter if it’s Mirror Mirror or Magic Mirror? It’s just a trivial thing. I can’t believe we’re arguing about this. If people want to use Magic Mirror or Mirror Mirror , it’s up to them. Why is this such a big deal??
It is a big deal because history is been changed under our eyes. This is used to spread confusion and for people to lose credibility.
It’s supposed to be ‘under our noses’, but then that was what we said in my dimension.
Because the Important thing is not this little change in itself,Rather it is but the tip of an iceberg of changes across All levels of our Reality ,,,, and that the Vast majority of them are not even caught ,recognized by people.
People simply remember things wrong, or remember other versions. Shrek says “Mirror Mirror”, The live action Disney Princess show, Once Upon a Time says “Mirror Mirror” and, also, Disney didn’t invent Snow White. There have been other versions on stage and screen. They usually say “Mirror Mirror” and so it is engrained in the culture.
In Empire Strikes Back, Vader ALWAYS said “No. I am your father.” It doesn’t make sense the other way because he says it in REPLY to Luke saying “You killed him.”
Star Wars is a horrible example anyway since Lucas keeps changing them for real!
It’s mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest one of all? It’s Luke I am your father! There are others but I don’t have time. I’ve always said if you’re right and you know you’re right you don’t have to argue to prove it. Have a great day!
Nobody mentioned that fact that the word mandala is not spelled mandela?
So is this blog about the Nelson Mandela effect or the mandala effect?
‘We the sheeple’ are clearly ignorant of so so so much, i.e. how many of ye sheeple even know which axis a mirror uses to reflect your image back at ‘ewe’ from cradle to grave????
‘mirror mirror on the wall, is it hex, why, or zed, grinning back at me for an eternity?’
go back to shleep folks, btw your fairy tale has a new Burgermeister King tRUMP.
I have the 1973 book and says, “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest ONE OF all?” Not “who is farest OF US all?” I just got the book back from my mom. I haven’t read it in 28 years. I watched the movie thousands of timea, was a favorite of my grandma. I remember clear as day the movie says Mirror, mirror. My grandma remembers Mirror, mirror, the 40+ old people I asked at the restaurant I worked at all remember the movie saying Mirror, mirror. Not one person ever heard it or saw it as Magic, mirror. I never heard it as Magic, mirror either until 2yrs ago. I thought it was a joke or something. The movie clearly use to say Mirror, mirror in my original reality and same for all the people I’ve asked about it. Same goes with “Life IS like a box of chocolates” “If you build it THEY will come” Movies I’ve seen thousands of times, watched with subtitles and recited every word. Even Tom Hanks “misquoted” his own famous line in a skit… Hanks in his skit says “Mama always said, Life is like a box of chocolates….” So did James Earl Jones ‘Darth Vader’ “misquoted” his famouse line in an interview, he said “Luke, I am your father.” Wow, even the actors can’t get their own famous lines right aparently. Shits changed for a lot of people including me.
I have the 1973 book and says, “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest ONE OF all?” Not “who is farest OF US all?” I just got the book back from my mom. I haven’t read it in 28 years. I watched the movie thousands of timea, was a favorite of my grandma. I remember clear as day the movie says Mirror, mirror. My grandma remembers Mirror, mirror, the 40+ old people I asked at the restaurant I worked at all remember the movie saying Mirror, mirror. Not one person ever heard it or saw it as Magic, mirror. I never heard it as Magic, mirror either until 2yrs ago. I thought it was a joke or something. The movie clearly use to say Mirror, mirror in my original reality and same for all the people I’ve asked about it. Same goes with “Life IS like a box of chocolates” “If you build it THEY will come” Movies I’ve seen thousands of times, watched with subtitles and recited every word. Even Tom Hanks “misquoted” his own famous line in a skit… Hanks in his skit says “Mama always said, Life is like a box of chocolates….” So did James Earl Jones ‘Darth Vader’ “misquoted” his famouse line in an interview, he said “Luke, I am your father.” Wow, even the actors can’t get their own famous lines right aparently. Shits changed for a lot of people including me.
Very interesting stuff! I always thought it was mirror mirror. Im still on the fence with the whole thing because I haven’t looked to far into it. But wouldnt be surprised if I was wrong, because Iv constantly been told by a few girlfriends saying ‘theyv already staid that to me’ and such lol.
I wanted to mention the idea of the collective consciousness and how each person might feel ‘sure’ of what they think, and because it points to an idea so similar to whats trying to be disproved, thats where the feeling of ‘sureness’ might come from.
I’m 12 and I kept telling my dad, “It’s magic mirror on the wall!” He never believed me, until I showed him this video. For once he realizes he is WRONG! Which my dad never wants to be wrong.
I have proof from old record it is mirror mirror
Which proves nothing, because the argument is about the movie, not about that record.
In the swedish translation of the Disney movie (and still on VHS) it is “mirror, mirror” (Spegel, spegel på väggen där)
My guess is that the Swedish translation is also going to change.
It took longer for other translations to change as well. So far, the translations that I have checked that have changed are French, Spanish and Italian. I think the German version also.
From a post on this site, the Italian version had not changed in August 2016. However, I know for a fact that it is indeed changed now.
I just checked the German version. They are still saying Mirror, Mirror:
Spieglein spieglein an der wand
Not sure about the Russian version.
The Portuguese version has changed.
People of various cultures/languages are saying that they remember it was Mirror, Mirror in their language.
It’s Mirror, Mirror for me. But there’s a completely logical reason for that.
I saw the movie a few times when I was a kid, but I listened to the read-along audiobook record thing WAY more many times than I saw the movie. Because it wasn’t on home media when I was a kid.
Specifically this one this other one is more aligned with the movie:
Please note:
In reference to Chiaro’s comment regarding the Italian version of Disney’s Snow White. The comment was this:
“Something that I can’t find an explanation for however is the translation in the Italian version: I’m Italian and in the movie the queen clearly says “Specchio, specchio delle mie brame” (“Mirror, mirror on the wall”). It could have been “Magico specchio delle mie brame” (“Magic mirror on the wall”) without any issue in the translation.”
Well just to let you know, the Italian version is now changed too:
The French version and Spanish versions are changed as well with the majority of people from different cultures and languages commenting that they do remember Mirror, mirror (or Miroir, mon beau miroir in French.)
The interesting thing is you can find older posts of French people discussing the Mandela effect, explaining that the Disney French translation is not changed compared to the English version.
It seems that whatever is causing the Mandela effect does not affect all languages at the same time, when it comes to famous movie lines or other translated written text.
The French and Spanish versions of Forrest Gump are still using the present tense for the scene with the box of chocolates:
i.e. Life is like a box of chocolates. They don’t say Life was like a box of chocolates.
It’s certainly important to get the verb tenses right when translating!!
Here is the French version:
Here is the Spanish version: (fast forward to past the 3 minute mark)
It is Mirror Mirror.
I just turned to my boyfriend and said you know Snow White? What did the queen say to the mirror and he said without hesitation ‘Mirror Mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all.’ We are 44 and 46 respectively, he remembers it as Mirror Mirror despite all the drugs he did in India.
“Despite all the drugs he did in India”. Hahaha. Awesome.
Look guys, I’m spanish, so I grew up with the spanish version, they put it on like this “little mirror, little mirror…” which in Spanish translates to “Espejito, espejito…”.
Then you watch the following video (spanish version), which says “espejo mágico” (magic mirror)…
People are asking in the comments, where the fuck is my “espejito, espejito” (mirror, mirror)… Like a lot of people are asking this. There is one guy even saying:
“yo me asombré por que hace poco vi la tv y escuché eso de espejo magico y me dije? que no se supone que decia: “espejito espejito dime quien es la mas bella?” y eso que este video es subido en el 2010 que miedo saber que estará pasando igual me pasó con los fruit loops, y con el emblema de la vw que ahora es distinto, la marca phillips etc.”
Which translates to
“I was wondering, because recently I was watching TV and then I heard that of the *magic mirror* and I see this video was uploaded in 2010, and it’s scary to know that it is happening to me the same that it happened with fruit loops /sic/ and the VW logo -that now it’s different, and Philips, etc.”
You know this thing is really weird, because I remember my mother… always quoting that thing “espejito, espejito” (mirror, mirror), and she never read any book by the Grimm or anything. She used to watch Disney movies with me and my sister, as we were kids.
Being a Disney fan, I’ve watched a majority of the Disney films so many times I’ve become metaphorically blind to what I’m watching. I have always turned on closed captions for any film I’ve watched and found that helped me follow the plots easier.
I can attest that Disney did indeed use “Magic Mirror on the Wall” and as none of the other elements of Snow White have changed, so being logical, it stands to reason that the phrase was one of Walt’s twists on the story and not a mystical sudden change we all remember different.
As far as merchandise, it’s fallible. Disney, in my experience, has never given 100% correctly themed merchandise – so the books have both “Mirror, Mirror” and “Magic Mirror” depending on the book, Jiminy Cricket is often green on merchandise while being brownish-tan in Pinocchio, Eeyore is marketed in various shades of blue, while grey in the original.
People interpret each of these films differently, so you’re going to get different results each time someone is in charge of marketing.
Disney licenses its properties, so when you are seeing Disney characters on a product, that product was often made by a third party, and it will not necessarily be consistent. (Or of good quality; I have been shocked at how poorly manufactured some of this stuff can be.)
For some of the Disney books using the “Mirror Mirror” line, my theory has been that a lot of those books are based on earlier versions of the screenplay than the version used for the movie. My reasons for thinking this are that these books also often contains information such as the Queen smashing the Magic Mirror in anger after hearing Snow White survived, and the Dwarves building a bed for Snow White the day after she arrives. And this doesn’t just happen in one book, it happens in multiple book versions of the film, leading me to believe they are based on a different screenplay draft.
There is a classic Star Trek (TOS) episode entitled “Mirror, Mirror” — it’s the one where they go to a parallel universe and Spock has a beard. Probably the name came from the Grimm tale, but it probably helped reinforce the juxtaposition.
“Mirror, mirror on the wall, tell me mirror what is wrong?” Perhaps De La Soul is the cause of this memory problem?
I can’t come up with a theory that supports it is all worth wile changing the history of Disney films in order to keep the New World Order in charge. Or a theory that supports that we all warped in to an alternative universe and only trivial stuff we remember different? What about the big things?
The review of Snow White’s 1993 re-release from The Baltimore Sun, “Seven wonderful truths about ‘Snow White’: 6.’Mirror Mirror on the Wall / Who’s the Fairest of them all?’ has entered folklore.”
Also, Hallmark’s “Snow White” Keepsakes from 2007, “Mirror Mirror on the Wall”.
Siri Siri on the wall, who is the fairest one of all? Never mind the Disney rendition, how the fuck did bros Grim know that in the distant future one can use voice recognition to ask Siri, (your ipad fixed to the wall) a fuckin question and expect to get an answer???
One thing everyoe needs to realize is that most “mandela effects” happen with things humans created, and then replicated ad infinitum. I remember both looney tunes (as this was the very oldest original version) and looney toons (as toons became the popular spelling, many workers/designers etc. as human as yourselves produced media or merchandise with toon, believing it to be correct). Do you really think bearenstain was never misprinted bearenstein? Even now I’m not sure if its beren or bearen.
Thinking that because a franchise maintains that something always was 100% correct means it was is as foolish as thinking that because u remember it differently it has been fundamentally changed. Arguing over mirror mirror as opposed to magic mirror is asinine. If u want to argue, argue about the big ones, like whether Mandela died in the 80s or the 10s. Remembering a movie line wrong is one thing, but having detailed memory of an event that “didn’t” happen is an entirely different level, moreso when strangers remember that event the same way you do.
I don’t know shit about Mandela’s death, I thought he was alive actually… However, i do remember something in very specific detail that i can find no evidence of in any current record; for this reason alone i can’t dismiss this entire concept as simple cognitive dissonance. I’m not saying there’s time travellers or anything, but something is at the very least quite curious about all this.
spieglein, spieglein an der wand… wer ist die schönste im ganzen land…
(spieglein= little mirror, diminutive!)
this is the original.
translated: little mirror on the wall….
Beware of the Debunking Trolls of the Internet.. We know the truth..
For some reason, people here the word “debunking” and automatically assume credibility. The fact is that there are 2 sides to this debate, and each side can have an extreme. Let’s not forget, there are still people working on debunking the “theory” that the earth is round.
There are not two sides, nor is it a debate. There is reality, and there are people who remember things incorrectly and presume that their incorrect memory somehow supersedes reality.